May 2018 Minutes
Meeting Date: May 8, 2018
Subject: Chapter Board Meeting
Location: Na Lama Kukui
560 N. Nimitz Hwy 119a
Honolulu, HI 96817
Participants: Nancy Schnur, ASID President
Tiare Pinto, Allied ASID President Elect
Miguel Cuadros Membership Director
Cassandra Okimoto, Allied ASID Communications Director
Layla Dedrick Professional Development
Guests: None
Cc: Cee Miranda Cates Hawaii Chapter Administrator
Purpose of Meeting: Monthly Meeting
Call to Order:
ITEM NO. 6.1
- The check was sent to the Merrill Lynch Account for $5,000. Nancy will check the account balance to make sure it was processed.
- Cee submitted the 2nd quarter reports without any problems, but we haven’t received our dues yet.
- We received a $500 legislative bonus.
ITEM NO. 6.2
- Website Advertising
- Recently received a check from Group 70’s ad.
- Advertising is working out great to bring the chapter a little more money. Everyone seems very willing to pay.
- Recently received a check from Group 70’s ad.
ITEM NO. 6.3
- Nancy and Cassandra went down to Servco and spoke to Craig and he was very interested in participating in the online auction and donating a portion of the proceeds to ASID.
- Interior Accents
- Nancy spoke to Judy over the phone, and she offered to run the Robert Allen and Fabricut sponsorship tables if they decided to participate.
- Judy will also reach out to Fenton with Lexington and see if they would be willing to donate a piece of furniture for the sample sale or raffle.
- Ferguson
- Interested, Nancy and Cassandra went to their showroom to talk to Clayton but he wasn’t there and Miles was on a conference call.
- Eric will check his showroom to see if he has anything that he could donate to our sample sale.
- Habitat for Humanity Restore
- Nancy and Cassandra met with April the manager and got a great tour of the store and everything they have to offer.
- April will have volunteers the day of the event, but won’t be able to help us the week before. We will need to depend on Pack Mule for transport of the sample sale items.
- ACTION: Nancy contact Pack Mule and see if they could work out picking up some of our items in between jobs.
- Only issue we have is that we won’t know until the last minute from Shelly on whether or not we will have a place to store everything before the event.
- ACTION: Nancy contact Pack Mule and see if they could work out picking up some of our items in between jobs.
- Na Lama Kukui Vendors
- Bang & Olufsen
- Michael will speak to his brother at Blue Print about being open on Saturday for the event since they are typically closed.
- Michael will also try to donate something for the raffle.
- ACTION: Cassandra will follow up.
- Studio Becker
- Nancy spoke to Jill about participating in the event but she needs to convince the owner first. However, if they can’t help with a donation or participation we could use the storefront to set up our booth with the PowerPoint.
- Pella
- ACTION: Nancy to email Genie, it would be beneficial if they were open.
- Note: Breezeway is trying to get a sponsorship table and they are technically competitors.
- Snack Shop & EM Hawaii
- Nancy and Cassandra informed them of the event and reminded them that they should have received an email from Shelly.
- Wife of EM Hawaii owner was very interested; they might want to put a table out.
- Details International
- Need to reserve a table for them.
- Wheelchair and disability booth/demonstration at this location.
- Wilson Jameson Furniture
- ACTION: Layla will follow up with Wilson to inform him about the event. We need to make sure he understands that the furniture will be used if it stays out and we won’t be responsible if anything gets damaged.
- Vitreo
- Meet a designer to be located in their showroom, if they allow it, if not it will be located on the second floor.
- Bang & Olufsen
- Na Lama Kukui Layout
- All tables need to be in the center besides the tables that are designated for the businesses in Na Lama.
- Currently, we only owe Element Media and Chaminade University tables. Since Element Media is our biggest sponsor they will be up front and center.
- Outside Vendors
- Ken & Linda Sazar
- Nancy emailed them for samples, they representation a dozen or so lines.
- Phase II
- ACTION: Nancy or Tiare to contact for donations.
- Janus et Cie
- Nancy emailed Emily, no response yet.
- Karndean
- Nancy and Danette to have lunch with the new rep, Nancy anticipates them signing up for a table.
- Danette from Pro Spec is going to reach out to her contacts and see if she can get items for the sample sale.
- Nancy and Danette to have lunch with the new rep, Nancy anticipates them signing up for a table.
- Maui Members
- Cassandra emailed a group of the Maui members but hasn’t received any responses yet.
- ACTION: Nancy to write out an email for Cassandra to send out to the Maui members.
- Cassandra emailed a group of the Maui members but hasn’t received any responses yet.
- Industry Professional & Chapter Members
- Inspirations Furniture
- ACTION: Cassandra will speak to JR and Emily for Donations.
- Other Members
- All board members to contact any members we know.
- Inspirations Furniture
- Ken & Linda Sazar
ITEM NO. 6.4
- Honblue (Banners)
- Shelly is still willing to pay for the banners, but she thought we meant 3’ x 6’ banners for the exterior.
- Nancy received a quote for 7 banners
- Latex Printed Retractable Banner (33.5” x 80”) – Everything Included: Stand, Banner, Etc.
- $1,900 for 7 ($272 Each)
- Banner Top & Bottom Cut w/ Pole for Hanging (24” x 84”)
- $2,500 for 7 ($357 Each)
- ACTION: Nancy to email board members the Honblue quote.
- ACTION: Nancy needs to check if the quote is at the discounted price that was approved by Larry.
- Latex Printed Retractable Banner (33.5” x 80”) – Everything Included: Stand, Banner, Etc.
- Secondary Option
- Print ‘posters’ and mount them on the large column throughout Na Lama Kukui.
ITEM NO. 6.5
- Cassandra created a PowerPoint from the template Miguel shared with her.
- ACTION: Miguel email Cassandra the Design Excellence Award PowerPoint so she can add all the winners to the DIL PowerPoint.
- ACTION: Cassandra email the PowerPoint to all board members for feedback after most of the content is added.
- ACTION: Cassandra to add Habitat for Humanity Page with their logo and information.
- TV to Display PowerPoint
- Layla will bring a large TV she has at home.
- Before & After Photos from Members
- ACTION: Cassandra to ask Cee for access to Dropbox or Nancy/Tiare email link to Cassandra.
- Cassandra created a PowerPoint from the template Miguel shared with her.
ITEM NO. 6.6
- Volunteer Coordinator
- ACTION: Nancy needs to designate someone for this position.
- Volunteers Needed
- ACTION: All board members need to contact as many individuals as possible for help with this event.
ITEM NO. 6.7
- Sample Sale, Auction Sale, Sponsorships, etc. are online on our website.
- Meeting adjourned at 5:26pm