Upcoming Board Vacancies

Below is a list of upcoming board vacancies for the upcoming election. Terms will start October 1, 2021.

President-Elect – 1-year term

Basic functions of the president-elect are to assume the responsibilities of the chapter president in his/ her absence; assist the chapter president in carrying out the functions of that office and perform specific duties delegated by the chapter president; and facilitate the chapter board in understanding its role and responsibilities. This position shall be used as orientation for future chapter presidency.

Within the limits of ASID bylaws and policies, the chapter president-elect has the responsibility and authority to accomplish the following duties:

  • Ensures that all chapter communications are conducted in accordance with the ASID brand identity and standards.
  • Assumes the duties of the chapter president in his/her absence.
  • Serves as a voting member of the chapter board of directors.
  • Performs duties assigned by the chapter president, which may include serving as chairperson of one, or more, of the chapter’s committees or task forces.
  • Assists the chapter president in the performance of his/her duties.
  • Attends the chapter’s annual meeting and special meetings as requested by the chapter president.
  • Represents the chapter with other associations or organizations as requested by the chapter president.
  • Chairs the chapter’s strategic planning committee and is responsible for ensuring that the process proceeds in an effective manner.
  • Participates in training necessary for orientation as the chapter’s future president.
  • Appoints committees and task forces for the fiscal year of his/her presidency.
  • Supports the mission, policies and programs of the Society and chapter as adopted by national and chapter boards of directors.
  • Responsible for preparation of the chapter’s annual work plan and budget and its presentation to the chapter board for its review/approval.

The president-elect also ensures that the chapter has an active legislative plan. This responsibility includes addressing legislative activity in the chapter’s annual work plan and budget, facilitating communication between the board and the state legislative coalition, and ensuring that the legislative issues are communicated to membership and meets legislative requirements as set by the Society.

Finance Director– 2-year term  

The financial director is responsible for receiving and depositing all chapter funds, in the name of the chapter, in a bank or trust company selected and approved by the board of directors. He or she prepares the chapter’s budget maintaining proper financial controls, makes regular financial reports to the board of directors, and renders an annual financial statement to the chapter membership. He or she shall perform all other duties incident to office.

Preparation Needed for Effective Service:

It is mandated that this individual attend financial training as offered by the ASID director of finance and administration prior to taking office.

  • Reviews and refers to ASID Financial Director’s Manual.
  • Receives briefing on chapter systems from previous financial director and chapter administrator.


  • It is recommended the financial director serve on the chapter strategic planning committee.
  • This individual that serves on the chapter work plan team and works with the president-elect to develop the budget for the following term, based on funding needs identified in the strategic plan. The budget is to be approved by the chapter’s board before the close of the current term.


  • Serves as a voting member of the chapter board of directors.
  • Supports the mission, policies and programs of the Society and chapter as adopted by the Society and chapter boards of directors.
  • Ensures that all chapter communications are conducted in accordance with the ASID brand identity and standards.
  • Receives and deposits all chapter funds in the name of the chapter, in a bank approved by the chapter board of directors. The chapter administrator may carry out this function.
  • Makes authorized disbursements by check after proper approval by the president or chapter board of directors.
  • Oversees all of the chapter’s checking, savings and investment accounts. Only the board of directors can open and close bank accounts.
  • Serves as signatory on accounts.
  • Is responsible for payment of all documented committee expenditures.


  • Provides the chapter board with a monthly written report on the chapter’s income and expenses, bank balances and financial well-being.
  • Prepares an annual financial statement for chapter membership.
  • Keeps close communication with other officers, especially the chapter president, as to the financial status of the chapter.
  • Prepares or reviews the quarterly chapter financial report, which is required by the Society’s guidelines to be submitted to the Society’s director of finance and administration. This must be received by headquarters before release of the check for the chapter’s membership dues allocation. Allocations are paid four times per year, after each quarter.
  • Responsible for arranging the preparation and submittal of all tax returns (Forms 990, 990T and any state returns). Chapters are required to use a paid tax professional for returns.

Professional Development Director – 2-year term

The primary responsibility of the professional development director is to exercise professional development functions for the chapter. Within the limits of the ASID bylaws and policies, the professional development director has the responsibility and authority to accomplish the following duties:

  • Plans and executes (or oversees committees and task forces responsible for planning and executing) the professional development and program functions of the chapter, including (but not limited to) some or all of the following:
  • Continuing education units (CEUs).
  • Round tables and forums.
  • Student career day.
  • Conferences and events.
  • Serves as a voting member of the chapter board of directors.
  • Supports the mission, policies and programs of the Society and chapter, as adopted by the Society and chapter boards.
  • Ensures that all chapter programs are conducted in response to assessed member/customer information and education needs.
  • Ensures that all chapter communications are conducted in accordance with ASID brand identity and standards.
  • Ensures that all chapter professional development programs are conducted in accordance with the Society’s organizational messages and strategic direction.
  • Ensures that all chapter professional development programs are directed toward appropriate audiences and member segments (i.e. practitioners, students, industry partners, consumers of interior design, professionals representing other industries, stakeholders, etc.).
  • Orients his or her successor.

The professional development director is responsible to the chapter board and committees, including the student affairs committee.

Communications Director – 2-year term

The primary responsibility of the communications director is to exercise communications functions for the chapter. Within the limits of ASID bylaws and policies, this individual has the responsibility and authority to accomplish the following duties:

  • Plans and executes (or oversees committees and task forces responsible for planning and executing) communications functions of the chapter.
  • Serves as a voting member of the chapter board of directors.
  • Supports the mission, policies and programs of the Society as adopted by the Society and chapter boards of directors.
  • Ensures that all chapter communications are conducted in accordance with the Society’s brand identity and standards.
  • Ensures that all chapter communications are conducted in accordance with the Society’s organizational messages and strategic direction.
  • Ensures that all chapter communications are directed toward appropriate audiences and member segments (i.e., practitioners, students, industry partners, consumers of interior design, professionals representing other industries, stakeholders).
  • Orients successor communications director.
  • Works with communications staff at ASID headquarters as needed to develop communications and strategies.
  • Works with committee responsible for chapter award or other volunteer recognition programs.
  • The communications director is responsible to the relevant chapter board, committees and task forces.

If you possess leadership qualities, the desire to support the interests and needs of the Chapter, and can help to promote the rewards of participation and membership, we need you on the board. To start the process and to demonstrate your initial interest, please send an email to administrator@hi.asid.org and request a Chapter Leadership Opportunity Form.